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Magnetized Counter-Spin Water Revitalizer (Magnet Filter) makes water more cleansing and hydrating for your skin and scalp.
Magnetized Filtered Water
The best way to enjoy your showers is with Poseion.
High-Pressure Spray

Harness the Magic of Nature and Change Your Understanding of Water with the Greatest Shower Experience on Earth!
Introducing, the Poseion BT100®, the World’s First & Only Patented and Clinically Tested Magnetized Ion Water Showerhead that is the last evolution in showerhead innovation.
There's clean, and then there's BT100® Clean! The superior rinsing power of Magnetized Ion Water helps you attain a deeper level of clean by helping you control sebum and oil, while stopping dryness in its tracks with an unprecedented level of hydration for your skin, scalp, and hair with the softest water imaginable that has utility.
Feel the difference in your skin, scalp, and hair in as little as 10 days, with the State-of-the-Art Filtration and Magnetized Counter-Spin Water Revitalization System of the BT100®. Watch, as the SF140® Sediment Filter filters out sediment and particles larger than 5 micrometers, while the Magnetized Counter-Spin Water Revitalizer transforms your water into Magnetized Ion Water, giving you a deeper clean with the benefits of soft, supple, and youthful looking skin. Relax and enjoy the satisfying high-pressure spray produced by our Signature Microplate that helps you use up to 20~30% less water than a conventional showerhead.
"Your Magnetized Ion Water Showerhead Experts" - Poseion USA
Transform Water into Magnetized Ion Water
Compared to unmagnetized water, Magnetized Ion Water lowers water surface tension to deliver an unprecedented level of clean and skin hydration, while reducing overall sebum and oiliness.
High-Density Propylene Sediment Filter
Filters out undissolved hard water sediments and particles (5 microns and larger) typically left behind to accumulate on your hair and in the pores of your skin and scalp.
Contains 315 – 0.20 mm holes
This pressurizes your shower via a non-adjustable spray pattern, while reducing the overall amount of water used by up to 30% without sacrificing your shower experience.

Powerful water filter
Sediment filter removes impure debris, including rust from the tap water, so those with sensitive and delicate skin can use tap water without worrying.

Water pressure rise and effective water saving
POSEION BT 100 uses the Microplate to provide 30% water saving compared to ordinary shower heads, increased strong water pressure and anion (negative ion) formed using an ultra-fine water spray plate to make your skin fresh and moist.

Patent certified Counter-spin Magnetize Filter
Patented Magnetized
Counter-Spin Water Revitalizer converts water into skin-friendly magnetized ion water, providing powerful moisturizing and oiliness-removal effects.

NSF Certified
The Poseion BT100's dedicated filter, the SF140 sediment filter, uses NSF-certified materials